WELCOME - Laguna Niguel AYSO (Region 5181) Adult League

Spring 2026 (March-May)

Summer 2025 (June-August)

  • Early Bird ($79) - April 1st-30th
  • Regular ($99) - May 1st-14th
  • Late Fee of $25 - Starting May 15th

Fall 2025 (September-November)

Winter 2025/2026 (December 2025-February 2026)

Laguna Niguel AYSO is proud to now offer an official Adult Co-ed program.  Eligibility and rules will be strictly enforced.

Please note that eligibility (especially the volunteer aspect) will need to be verified before registration is accepted. 


  • Both Men and Women must be age 30 or over.
  • A Parent/Guardian of a child playing in AYSO



Be an AYSO volunteer with at least 20 hours of service in the 2024-2025 AYSO year (Fall, Winter, and Spring).  Board Members, Referees (who completed enough games), Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and other volunteers qualify.

  • Please contact adultleague@ayso41.org, if you need a volunteer role.
  • Volunteer status must be verified by the Program Manager of the appropriate program.
  • Priority will be given based on hours of service in the past and present.  Some residency requirements for playing fields will also need to be observed.
  • Neither participation in past seasons nor being named to a pre-determined team preclude the volunteer requirements!  

Registration Fees:

  • $99 registration fee (includes league and field costs)
    • $79 Early Bird 
    • $25 Late Fee
  • $30 insurance fee (paid once annually - September-August)
  • Additional fees for referees ($60 per team per game).  Teams will collect this on their own - figure it to be about $5-$10 per player per game.
  • Additional fees for uniforms may apply.  Team will decide and collect this on their own.  Uniforms may be used for multiple seasons.

Please send any additional questions to adultleague@ayso41.org.

FAQ on the volunteer requirement: 

    Q: The rules stipulate that I must compete 20 hours of service during the 2024-25 year.  Can I play if I haven't completed service yet?
    A: You should register as a volunteer ASAP!  Commit to coaching this fall, register as a referee and take the training before Sept. 1, join your local region's board, contact your region's EPIC coordinator or sign up for other volunteer opportunities by contacting your local region's board members.  You must be an active volunteer with some planned service in order to play.  You will not be admitted to the league if you just "promise to do something" in the future - you must be registered and committed to a role before the adult season starts.

    You must complete at least half of your annual volunteer requirement (10 hours) during any season that you play (or have completed all 20 hours it in the fall season) in order to be eligible to play.  This means that you can't play *before* volunteering and ensures we only have active volunteers participating.

    Q: I want to play but don't volunteer yet.  Can I do something easy like field set-up or work in various Laguna Niguel AYSO Events?  
    A: It is up to the discretion of each Program Director to approve your volunteer service.  However, when approving and assigning players for teams, please remember that our league rewards volunteers with a chance to play adult soccer.  The league will give priority to those performing ongoing volunteer service with direct benefits to the kids.  In other words, "just doing the minimum" number of hours will put you lower on the priority list and at risk should the number of participants registered exceed the number of roster spaces available.

    Q: So, what can I do to volunteer?
    A: Please contact the Program Manager(s) that your child(ren) plays in.  All Divisions need more Coaches, Referees, Field Painting, Regional Board Members, etc.  Some may need help with registration events, field crews, etc.  If you can't figure out where to go for more info, contact adultleague@ayso41.org.

About The Program 

The Laguna Niguel AYSO Region 5181 Adult League is operated for the purpose of giving adults the same opportunity as the youth of our community to learn and enjoy the game of soccer.  This league is geared to those volunteers who give a significant amount of their time towards the kids in Laguna Niguel AYSO region 41.  

This league is considered a family event.  Our goal is to provide a safe, fun and fair environment for all who want to simply enjoy the game and get some exercise. Our aim is to provide a venue for recreational play. We will maintain a recreational mindset among the players and make every effort to reduce overzealous play. We do not tolerate out of control play or action, our goal is to promote adult behavior and good sportsmanship.

This is a recreational adult coed soccer program.  The league is designed to accommodate a wide range of player skill levels. Some players have never played soccer before, while others are highly skilled. The only requirement is that you come out to have some fun. The intent is to play soccer on Thursday nights, then coach and referee your kids AYSO games on the weekend and then go to work on Monday.


Sportsmanship & Player Protection

  • Sportsmanship: please show the utmost sportsmanship. Act like your spouse, kids and mother are watching you (they probably are)
  • Women will be protected by referees (i.e. 50/50 ball between male and female is not 50/50 - male must soften his challenge)
  • No hard strikes of the ball by a male player should be taken when a female field player is directly in front.  This will be considered dangerous play.
  • Do not charge the goalkeeper!
  • No more than two goals by any individual player will be counted per game.  A ball played into the goal (from a direct shot or deflection by a defender) by a player who has already scored twice will result in a goal-kick.  
  • Fun - Fair - Friendship.
  • No slide-tackling.
  • To prevent blow-outs, managers may agree to fair play rules such as extra field players allowed if goal differential is three or more, etc. and/or should encourage play such as two-touch limits, etc.
  • Referees may require players to exit the field of play for a 5-minute cooling off period should it be necessary. 
  • Referees are encouraged to issue cautions and send-offs for rules and league style-of-play infractions, and/or document concerns and issues about specific players on game reports.

Format of Play

  • 8v8 including GKs
  • Maximum of 6 men on the field (meaning usually 2 women) for 11v11.
  • Games will be two 35-minute halves with a 5-minute halftime break. When either team has no subs or referees/teams deem it helpful for player safety a 1-3 minute water break will occur half way through each half. 
  • Free and unlimited substitutions when ball is out of play at Referee's discretion. All players must play at least half of each game.


  • Ball size: 5 (each team must supply one game ball).
  • All players must be wearing shin guards with socks fully covering them.  While turf shoes are strongly recommended, tennis/running shoes are allowed.  However, baseball/football/softball/soccer cleats are prohibited.
  • For the Safety of the Players, NO CLEATS allowed MUST use TURF type shoes only
  • No pets, weapons, alcohol, tobacco, other controlled substances, noise makers, drones, etc. will be allowed at the field.
  • Teams shall wear shirts/jerseys of the same color, each with a unique number on the back. 


  • DO NOT HARASS the referees, especially the youth ones.
  • Cautions (yellow card): A player receiving a caution must exit the game for 5 minutes with a substitution allowed.
  • Send-offs (red card): A player sent-off must leave the field immediately and is ineligible to return to the league until after a review by the discipline committee.  
  • Infractions described above (hard play/strike against women and/or slide-tackling) are considered "dangerous play" and will be awarded an indirect free kick.
  • Slide-tackling is considered dangerous play.    
  • AYSO/FIFA laws of the game apply unless noted.


  • Only registered players that appear on the league-supplied Game Day Roster Form (Official Match Report & Team Verification Roster which includes Player ID Photos) may play in any match. 
  • Players must present a current league-issued Player ID card to the referee prior to each match (or when entering the field of play if late) in order to play.  No ID Card = No Play - No Exceptions!
  • A minimum of 5 players from the roster is required to start a match. 
  • The use of unregistered players will result in a forfeit and possible manager and/or team suspension.


  • The Discipline committee shall consist of a Director and 2-3 other members.  Members shall be recruited by the Director subject to approval by the League Director.
  • The Discipline Committee shall have discretion to review any and all cautions and send-offs issued, on-the field/sidelines incidents, any behavior detrimental to the league and/or anything referred by the Competition Committee or League Director..
  • A send-off (red card) or second caution (yellow-card) during the same season automatically results in suspension for the remainder of the season or until the discipline committee adjusts the suspension.

Laguna Niguel AYSO Region 5181

Adult League Rules & Guidelines